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Google AdWords Introduces New Image Extensions

The rumor was circulating around for a while and it is now officially here.  Google has added a new “Image Extension” to the array of Ad Extensions that you can add to your AdWords campaign ads. Google’s official post with this announcement indicates that this new feature

YouTube Implements New One Channel Layout

Effective June 5, 2013, YouTube (or more accurately, its parent company, Google) has fully implemented the new YouTube One Channel layout after several months of beta testing.  If you’re a frequent YouTube visitor or poster, you must have seen plenty of annoying pop ups and announcements from

Top 6 Reasons for Choosing a Responsive Website Design

According to Wikipedia: “Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).” When you

The Power of Marketing Through Multiple Channels

This is an article that is long overdue but I’ve just now been able to sit down to write about it.  A few weeks ago, I posted a different article about the importance of using Video Marketing to promote your products and services.  Today I’m going to

Top 10 Websites by Traffic (World Rank)

This information is from late 2012, but according to Google, the top 10 websites in the world ranked by traffic are as follows: Listed by Unique Visits with page impressions in parenthesis: Results exclude Google, who is ranked #1 in the world and by their own admission, #2 in the