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YouTube Analytics – The Proof Is In The Data

If you decide to allocate a portion of your digital marketing budget to YouTube advertising, the next logical step is understanding YouTube’s own Analytics console.  By the way, if you’re interested in learning about YouTube’s most recent ad formats (as of January 2020) you may want to

Understanding YouTube Analytics – What Each Metric Is Telling You

You’ve decided to take advantage of the popular video sharing site YouTube in aid of your marketing efforts. Now, you just need to know if your efforts are actually working. Enter YouTube Analytics. Not only will it allow you to find out who’s watching your videos, but

How to Reach Your Ideal Audience on Social Media – Demographics Is Key

As a business owner or marketer, you need to know where your customers, both actual and prospective, spend their time online. This is standard marketing practice. In the past, marketers used market research results to figure out where to spend their advertising budget when it comes to

Is Podcasting for You? A Quick Look at the Advantages of Podcasting

Last week I wrote about how to increase your authoritative ranking by publishing your own book on kindle.  This week I want to focus on another great tool to become an authority in your field.  Podcasting. Do you know what a podcast is? It’s an audio file

5 Smart and Effective Facebook and Twitter Posting Techniques

Practically everybody these days is maintaining a social media account to stay updated on the lives of the people they care about, as well as organizations they support. Social media is so powerful and useful that studies reveal most folks spend as much as a total of

Do’s and Dont’s of Effective Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can prove to be an invaluable tool in promoting your brand and engaging your customers. And although it is certainly not rocket science, there have been several instances wherein the use of social media has backfired on a business. For effective social media marketing,

Why I Enjoy Google+ So Much and You Might Too

I admit that when I started using Google+, out of curiosity and as part of a Social Media training program that I set for myself, I was lost and confused. I didn’t know how and where to start. By default, everyone who owns a Gmail account, which

Social Media Is Not Free But It’s Not as Expensive as You Think

Social Media is a Marketing tool and Marketing costs money. Social channels act as Advertising tools, and Advertising costs money. And on top of this, Social Media is all about popularity and popularity has a price. A few years ago when social channels started experiencing growth and

A Look Back in History: Two Decades of Social Media

I’m a twentieth-century woman and my social networking history dates back to the year 1994. It all began in college… I was first introduced to Hotmail while studying Marketing and Advertising. Internet was really popularizing by then so after setting up my first email account I was soon

Enhance Your Browsing Experience With These Chrome Extensions

  Did you know there are more than 48.000 Chrome Browser Extensions available today?  With these numbers, the idea of browsing for extensions might sound like looking for a needle in a haystack.  However, extensions are good to simplify your Chrome browsing experience. Extensions, just as mobile Apps, are getting