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7 Essential SEO Tips for WordPress Sites You Should Apply Today

WordPress makes it easy to have a website. It doesn’t require complex coding so it’s affordable for small and new businesses. You can customize it to fit your brand. And it’s versatile without the hassle, thanks in large part to the many plugins. With a bit of

How AdWords Re-Targeting Works

Some business owners have the mistaken notion that the goal of online marketing is to simply drive traffic to a website. While increased traffic to a website is certainly a goal worth pursuing, at the end of the day, your ultimate goal should be to sell. While

Content Marketing Techniques That Help Create an Authoritative Website

If you want to drive quality traffic to your business website, the key is not to merely rely on traditional SEO practices. You may have heard that content is king, and yes — that still holds true today. But more than just providing content that merely informs

Optimizing Videos for SEO – 5 Tactics You Should Implement

When it comes to online marketing, SEO or search engine optimization remains king. Even though the dynamics of SEO have changed greatly through the years (especially with Google regularly releasing updates that the SEO community has to adapt to), it remains the most powerful strategy for businesses

What Google’s New Mobile Search Algorithm Means for Your Website

Here’s yet another proof that mobile usage patterns are taking over the Web: Google will now favor mobile-friendly sites with its search algorithm. And if your website still looks insanely wrong on any mobile device — from smartphones to tablets — you’re in for a rude search

Why I Enjoy Google+ So Much and You Might Too

I admit that when I started using Google+, out of curiosity and as part of a Social Media training program that I set for myself, I was lost and confused. I didn’t know how and where to start. By default, everyone who owns a Gmail account, which

Social Media Is Not Free But It’s Not as Expensive as You Think

Social Media is a Marketing tool and Marketing costs money. Social channels act as Advertising tools, and Advertising costs money. And on top of this, Social Media is all about popularity and popularity has a price. A few years ago when social channels started experiencing growth and

Google Reinforces Mobile Design as a Ranking Factor

If you follow Search Engine forums, you might have noticed the growing buzz around Google’s upcoming algorithm update which is going to affect the mobile searches. The first step toward this change was made on the 18th of November 2014, when Google posted this announcement about adding

7 Tools to Boost Your Curation Skills

SEO is not dead. It is constantly reinvented with every Google update and Google ranking is now focusing on content marketing practices. This is why content is key. Most importantly, today. The world is now filled with writers and bloggers – the new publishers – who share

Google Penguin 3.0 – What You Need to Know

As some of you in the SEO community may have heard, Google launched its 6th PENGUIN release – The first so far after more than a year from the last Penguin Update. Today, Penguin roll out is always anticipated especially by those whose websites got hit from