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A Glossary of Commonly Used Web Hosting Terms

Here’s a quick glossary of commonly used web hosting terms that will be useful for a lot of readers.  I frequently find myself explaining to some of our clients the difference between HTTP and HTTPS or how server Bandwidth may affect their website speed, and some of

How to Setup Page Redirects with WordPress

With the rapid growth of WordPress websites and blogs, you will find yourself in need to set up a “Page Redirect” from time to time.  In basic terms, a Page Redirect will allow you to forward an old page link (or permalink in WordPress terms) to a

Five Marketing Tools That Will Help You Build Your Brand

Here are five easy-to-create and affordable online marketing tools that will help you promote your brand and acquire additional loyal customers without relying on third-party controlled marketing channels such as SEO or Social Media. You can also watch the video at the bottom of this article. Responsive

Understanding the Difference Between a Web App and a Native App

With the recent popularity of web apps a lot of people have a hard time understanding the difference between a web app and a native app. This is not surprising since once both are installed on your smartphone, both types of apps work in very similar ways. 

Top 6 Reasons for Choosing a Responsive Website Design

According to Wikipedia: “Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).” When you

MGR Reseller Program

Now you can add a new revenue stream to your existing business.  Our MGR Reseller Program is now in full effect. The program has been designed specifically to target our partners’ needs. For example, if you are a Search Engine expert or consultant and would like to also offer