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Content Marketing Techniques That Help Create an Authoritative Website

If you want to drive quality traffic to your business website, the key is not to merely rely on traditional SEO practices. You may have heard that content is king, and yes — that still holds true today. But more than just providing content that merely informs

Why I Enjoy Google+ So Much and You Might Too

I admit that when I started using Google+, out of curiosity and as part of a Social Media training program that I set for myself, I was lost and confused. I didn’t know how and where to start. By default, everyone who owns a Gmail account, which

Social Media Is Not Free But It’s Not as Expensive as You Think

Social Media is a Marketing tool and Marketing costs money. Social channels act as Advertising tools, and Advertising costs money. And on top of this, Social Media is all about popularity and popularity has a price. A few years ago when social channels started experiencing growth and

A Look Back in History: Two Decades of Social Media

I’m a twentieth-century woman and my social networking history dates back to the year 1994. It all began in college… I was first introduced to Hotmail while studying Marketing and Advertising. Internet was really popularizing by then so after setting up my first email account I was soon

Enhance Your Browsing Experience With These Chrome Extensions

  Did you know there are more than 48.000 Chrome Browser Extensions available today?  With these numbers, the idea of browsing for extensions might sound like looking for a needle in a haystack.  However, extensions are good to simplify your Chrome browsing experience. Extensions, just as mobile Apps, are getting

14 Must-Try Tools for Mastering Twitter

As a daily networker, and as a Social Media Manager for MGR, one of the social platforms that I enjoy the most, thanks to the possibilities of engagement, building relationships, education, information and lots of fun that it provides, is Twitter.  The accelerated nature of Twitter makes

7 Tools to Boost Your Curation Skills

SEO is not dead. It is constantly reinvented with every Google update and Google ranking is now focusing on content marketing practices. This is why content is key. Most importantly, today. The world is now filled with writers and bloggers – the new publishers – who share

Google Search Algorithms Are Constantly Changing

It’s been just over 10 years since Google become a public company.  No, this article is not investment advice about how much money you would have made if you had invested in Google ten years ago… (which would be a LOT).  This article is just about Google,

Google Releases First Quarter 2014 Earnings Report

Google has released its earnings report for the first quarter of 2014. Revenue was up 19% from the same period last year, but it looks like it missed Wall Street analysts estimates and the stock is lower after the announcement. Revenues from Google’s sites (,, etc.)

SEO vs PPC – Which Option is Better?

One of the aspects of my life that I really enjoy is that I get to meet with a wide variety of business owners and marketing directors from all types of companies and industries.  Although the subject of the meetings is frequently similar – discussions to maximize