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Double Up Your Protection Against Hackers with These Tips

Those of you who know me, know that my laptop and I are inseparable buddies. We work together, travel together and play together. My mobile lifestyle also means that I rely on Wi-Fi and hotspot connections quite a bit. In fact, nowadays, it’s customary for a lot

Understanding How the Stock Market Works

The recent stock market correction has been dominating the headlines over the past few days.  Words like “market volatility,” “market sell-off,” and even “recession” are now back at the top of Google searches.  But let’s take a few minutes to dissect the recent events and understand what’s

Book Publishing on Kindle – All Done for You

Once upon a time, getting published meant printing out an excerpt from your manuscript and sending this out along with a compelling query letter and a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) if you want to get a reply and your sample manuscript back. It used to mean the

The Path to Discovering Lifestyle Freedom

When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything. ― Stephen Richards There are situations that can change our lives when we least expect it. The time to move on comes in the form of a person that gets the best out of us.

How to Elect S Corporation Tax Treatment for Your LLC

When you’re ready to set up your new company, you will learn about several factors to consider such as liability protection, simplicity of the process, number or shareholders, and tax treatment among others. As far as the simplicity of the process and ongoing requirements, in comparison with

A Look Back in History: Two Decades of Social Media

I’m a twentieth-century woman and my social networking history dates back to the year 1994. It all began in college… I was first introduced to Hotmail while studying Marketing and Advertising. Internet was really popularizing by then so after setting up my first email account I was soon

Enhance Your Browsing Experience With These Chrome Extensions

  Did you know there are more than 48.000 Chrome Browser Extensions available today?  With these numbers, the idea of browsing for extensions might sound like looking for a needle in a haystack.  However, extensions are good to simplify your Chrome browsing experience. Extensions, just as mobile Apps, are getting

8 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Lifestyle

  One of the things I like most about the Internet is the capability to find information about anything at anytime.  I continually stumble upon fascinating content and I’m learning something new everyday. Every so often I come across questions to ask myself, to explore and examine

Social Technology: From Business to Human

It’s a reality that technology changes our perception of things and, more recently, the way that we communicate. I’m a Generation X and thanks to that I’ve had the opportunity to experience the technological evolution throughout these last 30 years.  I was one of those who lived

Working Remotely for a Better Lifestyle

Being able to live a lifestyle that allows me to work and keep up with all of my projects and business ventures no matter where I am in the world is critical for me.  The idea of being tied up to a chair, a desk and a