MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

Video Marketing Statistics – 2019

Video Marketing Stats 2019 - MGR Blog

It seems like no matter how much the Internet grows in so many directions, video content still dominates on all channels and platforms.  And I’m not just talking about the traditional streaming video wars between Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Hulu, etc.  This is purely video for the masses.  User generated content shared through a variety of social media platforms with millions of viewers and shares worldwide.  Take a quick look!

Video Marketing Volume Statistics

First up, let’s take a look at some of the most striking statistics when it comes to the volume of internet users that spend time watching video content online.

Mobile Video Marketing Statistics

Mobile phones enable internet users to access visual content whilst on the go. Here are some statistics about phones and video activity.

Video Marketing Engagement Statistics

Whilst producing visual content is helpful in the context of marketing, unless viewers are actually engaged in your content, they probably won’t take an interest in your products or services.

That being said, let’s run through some important statistics from the perspective of viewer engagement.

Random Video Marketing Facts

Business Video Marketing Statistics

Visual marketing is a key component of business success. Here are some of the top statistics relating to video marketing and businesses.

Social Media Video Statistics

Facebook and YouTube spearheaded the rise in the popularity of visual content. Now, though, videos are commonplace in the social sphere of the internet. The significance of video messaging has increased not just on Facebook and YouTube, but across all platforms.

Video Marketing Best Practices

Clearly, video marketing is an incredibly powerful tool. When using it, though, it’s important to keep a few things in mind in order to maximize your chances of success.

Pretty incredible numbers!  And with technology constantly improving on all sectors, from hardware, software and mobile devices becoming more powerful with each new model, to broadband connections adopting 5G in the coming months, you can rest assured that this trend will just continue to grow even faster than it has in the past few years.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

Sources: Bitdownloader and others as per respective links.

Photo by Nicolas LB on Unsplash

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