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Money Can’t Buy You Friends, or Can It? The Art of AstroTurfing

They say that money can’t buy you friends but that doesn’t apply strictly when it comes to social platforms. It is true though that money might not buy you true-from-the-heart friends, but it might buy you others that could help boost your popularity. That is, if you are really interested in becoming popular.

Conversion Rate Optimization – Separating Facts from Fiction

The following is an article originally written by Larry Kim, CEO of WordStream, a company that develops Search Marketing Software for PPC advertisers.  MGR utilizes WordStream tools synced-up with Google AdWords on a regular basis to optimize our clients PPC campaigns.  This article really mirrors our philosophy about Conversion Rate

What is Retargeting and How it Works

Over the past few months, we’ve set up a few Retargeting campaigns for some of our clients, however, we’ve noticed that there’s some confusion as to what Retargeting is, how it works, and why is it different from other display ads media buys.  Hopefully, this article will

The Power of Habit

This is the book that I’m currently reading and enjoying every single page of it.  I thought I would share it with everyone since I have a lot of friends in the Marketing and Advertising field.  Below is a short intro from the book’s inside cover.  Highly