MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

Is Podcasting for You? A Quick Look at the Advantages of Podcasting

Listening to Podcast-MGR BlogLast week I wrote about how to increase your authoritative ranking by publishing your own book on kindle.  This week I want to focus on another great tool to become an authority in your field.  Podcasting.

Do you know what a podcast is? It’s an audio file that functions somewhat like a regular radio show. It is broadcasted and subscribers listen to an update live or have it automatically downloaded to a computer or an MP3 player.

Podcasts typically have a subscription option, which allows subscribers to listen to what they want whenever they want to. While podcasts may involve music, they’re not limited to it. As a matter of fact, the range of content matter is rather inexhaustible. There can be podcasts on any possible interest on the planet.

Although podcasts were meant for the iPod, the device isn’t necessary for anyone to enjoy a podcast. An MP3 player, a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer will suffice as long as it is connected to the Internet.

Many businesses these days find podcasts to be an effective, intimate, and convenient marketing tool. They’re great for sharing information, delivering a message, building a relationship with both customers and employees, as well as establishing authority on a subject matter.

Quick Fact #1:

In 2013, Apple said subscriptions of podcasts through iTunes reached 1 billion.

If you’re a business owner or a marketer, consider the following advantages of podcasting so you can make an informed decision on whether to use this particular marketing channel or not:

Personal connection

When you podcast, you communicate directly to your listener, making your content seem more intimate. It feels like a private conversation. It’s a great way to form a bond with customers and staff members alike. You also effectively put yourself in a position of authority as somebody they listen to for useful, helpful, and valuable input.

Consumption ease and convenience

It’s easy to access, download, and listen to podcasts. All three activities can be done at your listeners’ convenience. There’s no need to tune in at a specific hour or frantically record the content. Everything is done and made ready for them. Podcasts are also portable. They can be accessed anywhere as long as there is Internet. If your listener is going somewhere that’s not connected to the Web, they can download from home and still be able to listen to the content elsewhere.


This is a great way to communicate without spending much money. Print and video cost money, production-wise and even storage-wise. Podcasts, on the other hand, are easy to produce and archive, and they cost next to nothing as well.

Quick Fact #2:

RawVoice, which tracks 20,000 shows, said the number of unique monthly podcast listeners has tripled to 75 million from 25 million five years ago.

If you’re interested in learning how to set up your own podcast, you may want to review this article that I wrote a couple of years ago: How to Set Up Your Own Podcast.  You will find out what it takes step-by-step with some recommendations along the way.  But don’t be intimidated.  It’s one of those things that takes longer to explain than it takes to do it.  Once you have the initial setup completed, adding new podcasts is just a breeze.

These three are just some of the known advantages of podcasting. If you try it, you’ll likely discover so much more.  I am subscribed to more than a dozen podcasts that I listen to on a daily basis.  My podcast library includes auto racing podcasts, investing podcasts, online marketing, lifestyle, health and fitness and anything in between.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

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