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What Businesses Need to Know About Voice Technology

The Importance of Voice Technology - MGR Blog

Voice technology has become a norm of doing simple things such as asking Google to make a phone call or search something on the web. With the ever-evolving world, voice technology is soon going to enable you to schedule your client meeting and manage your daily calendar. So, as a business owner, you need to understand many things about this new technology to utilize it fully. Here is what you must know about voice technology.

It’s Popular—Really Popular

Voice technology has greatly increased in popularity among mobile users. According to Harvey Agency, nearly half of smartphone users regularly utilized voice technology for web searches last year. With its eloquent figures, it is not something businesses can ignore anymore. This technology is more popular among millennials than any other age group, and this is enough to put it out there for the world to see. Many users have integrated this technology into their devices, and its artificial intelligence makes it smarter with continuous use.

How to Leverage It

Customers are nowadays using voice search to find necessary information about a business and make a purchase. If you haven’t considered incorporating this new technology into your marketing strategy, then you’re not fully utilizing the power of e-commerce. Customers are also relying on this technology to receive new sales and promos from their preferred brands, and there are high chances they’ll start using this technology for their transactions as well. Businesses can take advantage of this to direct their customers to them whenever they search for something. It’s an excellent way to improve customer engagement, streamline business processes, and boost brand loyalty.

The Future of Voice Technology

Voice technology might be popular already, but it’s still growing, and this means it will still undergo a lot of changes in the future. If your business is doing well without it now, you better not be too comfortable because according to the Content Marketing Institute, it’s going to become a necessity in a few years to come. The new technology is going to impact different aspects of your business, including customer interaction, marketing strategies, and how you interact with technology. This is going to be the new way your business will interact with next-generation customers.

Voice technology is here to stay, and the sooner your business embraces it, the better. There are various improvements, connections, and functions being added to this technology. The coming years are going to see a lot of improvements, so businesses, as well as their customers, will see the need to use it in almost everything they do online.

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As always, if you need any assistance with your branding and digital marketing, our MGR Team will be happy to chat with you one-on-one.  Use this link to contact us and set up your free consultation.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR).

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