MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

SEO 101: Back to the Drawing Board


MGR SEO Services

MGR SEO Services

There was a time when Search Engine Optimization was quite simple.  For one, there were just a few websites around;  majority of them didn’t even know or care about SEO and those who did, would just optimize it organically (and naturally) for their visitors (not Search Engines) and as a by-product, they would also get great SEO rankings.

Then, as the number of websites out there ballooned to several BILLIONS, the fight for a first page ranking became much more violent.  All of a sudden, all SEO “strategists” and software gurus tried to out-smart Search Engines by developing a number of black-hat techniques aimed at reaching the coveted first place or first page ranking. 

Well, all of that is now changing since Google applied a number of major “Panda” and “Penguin” updates to their algorithms over the past year or so and it’s still  constantly tweaking algorithms.  But SEO is not dead as many people would like to think. SEO is back to the drawing board.  So what do you do?  Here are a few simple tips:

1.      Be sure to add your main (most relevant) keywords in the Title tag.  The Title tag on each page should be short, probably no more than 70 characters since beyond that, the Search Engines Results Page (SERP) will not display your copy.  However, it is critical that your main keyword for each page is also part of the Title.

2.      Have a compelling and inviting Description: After the Title tag, the Description is the second most important part of your web page optimization.  Do NOT use the same copy from the Title for your Description.  The Description should use a selling tone to invite your viewers to click for more information.  You can use similar keywords from the Title but worded or composed differently.
3.      Use page links (also known as permalinks) that pertain to the content of the page.  For example, if your page is talking about Website Design services, you can make your page link “”  Notice how each keyword is separated by a hyphen.  Use hyphens rather than underscores or worse yet, a longmergedphrase for your URL.
4.     Keywords:contrary to public belief, the actual keywords in the code are pretty much irrelevant.  Back in the days, everyone would just look at their competitor keywords and copy them to their site.  Don’t bother.  We rarely add more than a few keywords and we barely focus on them as a factor for the site optimization.  However, you should definitely avoid “keyword stuffing” your code or Search Engines may think that you’re spamming your content.
5.      Write copy for your visitors, not for Search Engines.  Your page copy is what makes you an authority in your field.  If you write copy to educate your visitors in a particular subject, you will naturally include the main keywords that you already added to your Title and Description, as well as your permalink.  Those keywords will appear a few times (not too many though) and worded a bit differently each time.  Again, be natural and don’t force a keyword into a phrase just for SEO.
6.      Tag and name your images with relevant names.  Again, naming images “mainpic1.jpg” or “topimage.jpg” or other irrelevant file names like those is not going to help you with your optimization.  Nowadays, images are posted on Pinterest, searched on Google, shared, etc. and having your images properly tagged and named is one of the best practices that you can adopt.
7.      Don’t overdo it.  Organic SEO is meant to be natural.  You don’t want to overthink it, overdo it, or oversimplify it.  Just be natural.  Make your website attractive and informative to your visitors, and finally, apply the above techniques and SEO results will take care of themselves.

If you need assistance with your SEO Marketing, you can always contact as at and we will be glad to select the most appropriate package for your particular situation.


Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)


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