MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

How Your Business Can Win Over a Younger Audience

A significant percentage of consumers today are between the ages of 18 and 30. This younger demographic differs in life experience (and therefore, expectations) from those of older generations for whom your marketing strategies may have been created! To win over a younger audience, you will have to change the way you market yourself. Embracing social media aesthetics, utilizing mobile interaction, and partnering with other organizations will give you the reputation and exposure you need to succeed.

Embrace Instagram Aesthetics

Instagram is one of the most widely used and highly trafficked platforms of this decade, and will likely continue to grow in its popularity in coming years. The “Instagram Aesthetic” refers to a cohesive presentation of your brand via visual posts, literary content, and personal interaction. If you can create a consistent mood through your social media productivity, you consequently create an experience for your users—and if you are intending to attract a certain type of consumer, this experience is your best mechanism for drawing in that audience again and again. Once they are aware of your business and its purpose, and how it fits into their lives, they may become not only your most loyal customers but some of the best marketing tools you can have!

Capture Mobile Users

More than 90 percent of marketing professionals say that mobile marketing is the most effective tool to drive sales. So much of the younger generation’s day is spent on screens—utilize that to your benefit! Mass emails, various social media platforms, web ads, and whatever other means exist on the internet are opportunities for you to share with your audience what makes your business special and relevant to them. You can even use texting as a means of interaction and notification! Texting has proven to be one of the most effective ways to get responses from your consumers. It’s fast, easy, and convenient! Invite people to subscribe to your website, and offer them the inside track on the goings-on in your company!

Partner With Other Organizations

Another way to increase your exposure to a broader audience while targeting a more specific consumer type is by partnering with other organizations. Look for companies that share similar goals as you, or focus their efforts on a similar demographic. Look for local events, product giveaways—whatever works. 

Expand your reach to a much wider group of customers by catching their attention in effective ways, according to their lifestyles. Gaining a younger following will boost your profits now and develop your business for the future.

Read this next: Effective Strategies for Marketing to a Gen Z Audience

As always, if you need any assistance with your branding and digital marketing, our MGR Team will be happy to chat with you one-on-one.  Use this link to contact us and set up your free consultation.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

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