MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

Do’s and Dont’s of Effective Social Media Marketing

Social Media Dos and Donts - MGR

Social Media Dos and DontsSocial media marketing can prove to be an invaluable tool in promoting your brand and engaging your customers. And although it is certainly not rocket science, there have been several instances wherein the use of social media has backfired on a business.

For effective social media marketing, it is crucial to understand and master the basics. More often than not, making social media work for you entails understanding a few do’s and don’ts.

Do know your audience

Social media is all about showing your target customers what you can do for them. As such, tailor your content by knowing what appeals to your audience the most.

Do be active

Your social media accounts won’t automatically reap benefits for you. You have to invest time, effort and even money into making your accounts for you, but…

Don’t overdo it

On the converse side of the coin, don’t make your followers think that you have nothing to do all day but share posts. Invest in analytics to know when your customers are most active and post during those times.

Do connect with your customers

Social media can be an effective platform to connect with current and potential customers. As much as possible, invest time in providing customer service to your customers through this platform.

Do cultivate a unique voice

Set your brand apart by cultivating a unique voice for it. Avoid generic posts and generate excitement by being the number one fan for your brand.

Don’t abandon your accounts

When a customer lands on a fan page which made its last post a year ago, he or she will automatically think that the business has stopped operating, which is not always the case.

Do not over-share

Make sure that you get the go signal from your higher ups when posting sensitive information. For example, it is OK to post hints about a new product, but oversharing can adversely affect a product launch.

Do not follow each and every account

Remember, it is not just what you post that reflects on your brand. Even the accounts you follow can consciously or unconsciously reflect on your brand.

Don’t spam

Spam, on whatever platform, can be annoying. Even on social media.

Don’t overlook or ignore negative comments

You can’t satisfy every customer and it is highly likely that you’ll encounter an unhappy one online. The key here is to respond promptly and address the issue at hand.

Don’t over-rely on automation

Sure, automation can help take a huge load off your shoulders. However, make sure that you do not sacrifice authenticity for convenience.

How are your social media channels working for you?  If you need assistance managing your social media or simply want to free up some of your time, contact our team at MGR Consulting Group.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

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