MGR Marketing & Lifestyle Blog

All You Want to Know About SEO and Never Dared Ask

SEO Answers - MGR Blog

There’s this line in the movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” uttered by Master Li Mu Bai (played by Chow Yun Fat) to Yu Shu Lien (played by the beautiful Michelle Yeoh), which was something like: “The hands of a Shu Tao master, how I longed to touch, but never dared…”

Oh, how life is full of things that you wish you did but didn’t, and now all you can do is regret it. Even in the SEO world, there are so plenty of ideas that people long to ask about, but don’t really get around to asking because they don’t want to appear completely confused or ignorant. How frustrating, right?

Putting an end to that, here are all you want to know about SEO and never dared to ask. Let’s start off with the query that most are too embarrassed to ask:

What’s the difference between internal and inbound links?”

Great question, because it has an easy answer. Internal links are those links on a page on your site that go to another page on your site. Inbound links, meanwhile, are websites that link to your content.

“What other strategies can boost search rankings other than fresh, good quality content?”

Focus on UX or user experience. Instead of paying too much attention to page ranking, it’s been proven that creating a website that delivers a pleasant experience for users does incredibly well, SEO-wise. Make navigation and the completion of transactions easy so that people will keep on coming to the website, increasing traffic and conversions.

 “Can duplicate content really hurt my website?”

Not as seriously as many are inclined to think. Google and other search engines are just likely to ignore one copy. However, the danger here is that search engines may end up not indexing the content copy that you actually prefer. You’re lucky if search engines make the right choice, though. But to perform really well in page rankings, it truly is best to avoid duplicate content.

“Are indexing and crawling different from each other?”

Crawling is when search engines go through the content on your website. Indexing, on the other hand, is what search engines decide to do while they’re crawling your site; indexed content is what will appear in the search engine.

“Why do improvements on my site often result in dismal organic rankings and low traffic?”

Typically, improvements or changes cause loss of traffic because redirects from the original pages to the new ones are not properly done. Naturally, those links to the old pages’ site no longer help the site rank.

Therefore, it’s imperative to put redirects in place as soon as possible. It’s also worth getting in touch with the sites where you have links to your old pages so the links can be updated to direct to the new ones.

Don’t worry too much about it because if the improvements really are changes for the better, it won’t be long before they appeal effectively to your target audience. You just need to be patient because SEO outcomes really take time.

These are the answers to those SEO questions you’ve long been quiet about. Next time, don’t be afraid to ask – those who ask the most, know the most.  Better yet, feel free to reach out to our Team and MGR Consulting Group and they’ll be glad to answer any questions for you.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

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